Ordering Guru Website Traffic

Yes, absolutely! The traffic we send you consists of 100% real, human visitors so they will do what any visitors do. They may browse, subscribe, buy, comment etc. They could do all of the above or none of the above too. There is nothing we can do to influence their behaviour once they arrive, so we can make no guarantees. If you hope for a particular result, please let us know in the order notes section and we will do our best to set your order up with the traffic that is most likely to bring you the results you wish for.

In the (highly unlikely!) case that you decide to ask for a refund, we will stop your order and issue a pro-rata refund for any visitors that have not yet been delivered to your URL. Remember that to receive a refund you need to ask for it while the order is still running. We will not issue refunds for completed orders.

Sure! You can promote any URL that doesn't violate our Terms of Service - that includes affiliate links. The Guru traffic can be (and often is) successfully used for Affiliate offers. Please contact us if you need any more information - the Guru is here for you!

When you place an order with The Guru we will prepare a custom tracking link for you. We use cutt.ly as our tracker of choice and you will receive it in your confirmation email to make sure you can access it the same way we can.

Yes, you can also use your own tracker, BUT: we recommend that you use one that will allow us to see the details of the traffic that goes through it. This will help us monitor your campaign and immediately react if there are issues. If you use your own tracker make sure to set it to "public". If you use one we can't monitor - we can't take responsibility for any delivery issues.

We accept all of the most popular payment methods. You can pay with PayPal, Cards, Cryptocurrency* (Bitcoin and many more) and Bank Transfer. If you want to use something else - contact us. If you want to use a cryptocurrency that isn't listed - contact us. If you want to ask about the current weather in Costa Blanca - contact us. You get the point.

*Cryptocurrency payments are non-refundable.

When you place an order we will shorten your URL using the cutt.ly tracking link. Once your order is active you will receive an email confirmation with that tracking link included. It will let you track the number of visitors, their country of origin, referring websites and some other details (OS, browser etc.). We also recommend using Google Analytics, Statcounter or a similar dedicated tracking software for more precise tracking.

Please remember that we use a third-party tracker so that both the Guru and you can see the correct numbers on an independent platform (we are not affiliated in any way with the trackers we use). The numbers displayed on the tracker are always the numbers we go by.

As soon as you pay for your order you will receive a confirmation message. Once your order is set up and live you will receive another message with the tracking link that will let you follow the progress of your campaign. If you have any questions or need more information - contact us. We're here for you!

Most of the orders are activated within 1-8 hours. This depends on the number of orders we are currently processing and could, sometimes, take a little shorter or a little longer. Since Guru traffic contains many different types of traffic, it could take up to 24 hours for all of them to go live.

The bottom line is - you should start seeing first visitors within hours and your order will be in full swing within 24 hours at the most. If you need to start receiving visitors on a particular day - please plan ahead. You can also contact us and we can prepare your order in advance to make sure it runs exactly when you need it to.